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not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.
Hebrews 10:25
They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be shown that they all are not of us
1 John 2:18–19
These two verses are the famous one two punch. Some Christian says in normal conversation with another Christian, “we haven’t really found a church.” The other Christian’s stomach begins to lurch. A religious principle in their mind is being violated. They must for the good of… well, their own feeling of sanctimony, act.
“Have you read in Hebrews 10:25, (and this is the normal quotation of it) ‘don’t forsake the assembly?’” the religious Christian says.
The other person, feeling like church meetings have become a bunch of garbage, far from the commands of Jesus, just shuffles their feet, no defense they can give.
These texts are the one two punch of institutional Christianity. Any time someone has objections about the institutional church these are the verses that are waved over them to twist their arm into getting their butt into a pew on Sunday. Oh, how holy.
But in both texts what’s not normally pointed out is, whom is the author?
In the Hebrews text he says, “our own assembling” [τὴν ἐπισυναγωγὴν ἑαυτῶν] Who is the “our” described by the author of Hebrews? Well it certainly is not the church in a time of apostasy. It’s a church certified by the apostles themselves as faithful and true. But what if the clock strikes another time, a time of general apostasy? It’s common to hear expositors describe “the apostasy of evangelicalism” - certainly a safe claim so long as it doesn’t include THEIR congregation, denomination, or church planting network.
And what about the other text, John’s text in 1 John 2:18-19. That one is even scarier because it claims the antichrist people are deserting the church and that’s how you know they are antichrist. But is that indeed the right interpretation (that anyone who deserts the institution is antichrist)?
Again the same question must be asked, who is the author speaking? It is John the apostle, one of the 11 men that Jesus positively commanded would bind and loose for the church. But John is speaking in the first century, not in the 1300s when John Wycliffe was around. In 1300, some of the same institutional churches that John would have called true were by then antichrist. You see, one could not stand in one of THOSE churches and cry that those who left Rome’s religious Ponzi scheme were antichrist, it was the opposite!
So a better way to interpret what John is saying is we [the true church] have had men leave us for false doctrine [antichrists]. But this could be more than leaving the church building and never coming back! It could be that it is the church building leaving the “once for all delivered faith” (Jude 3) and the faithful needing to leave the four walls of “church” to stay true!
For those who no longer love the truth, whose faith is merely outer religion, none of this message sells. They will NEVER forsake a religious system that each day is more like the Roman Ponzi scheme. But for those of us who love the truth, as the four walls continue to get darker, pastors fall regularly, abuse thrives, doctrine perverted; perhaps more of us will find our selves entering the congregation of Zion above on Sunday (Hebrews 12), but alone, by our faith.
¿No dejando de congregarnos?
Entre otras mentiras que han sido retorcidas
No dejando de congregarnos, como algunos tienen por costumbre, sino exhortándonos; y tanto más, cuanto veis que aquel día se acerca.
Hijitos, ya es el último tiempo; y según vosotros oísteis que el anticristo viene, así ahora han surgido muchos anticristos; por esto conocemos que es el último tiempo.
Salieron de nosotros, pero no eran de nosotros; porque si hubiesen sido de nosotros, habrían permanecido con nosotros; pero salieron para que se manifestase que no todos son de nosotros.
Estos dos versículos son los famosos doble golpes. Un Cristiano en conversación normal con otro Cristiano le dice, “nosotros en verdad no hemos encontrado una iglesia.” Al oír esto, el otro Cristiano siente su estomago retorcer al pensar en su mente que un principio de la religion esta siendo quebrantada. El cual ellos deben por el bien de…bueno, su propio sentimiento de santurronería (una persona que muestra exagerados escrúpulos morales o religiosos), actuar.
“¿Has leído en Hebreos 10:25, (y esta es la cita normal que dan) ‘no dejando de congregarnos?’” El Cristiano religioso le dice.
La otra persona, sintiéndose que las reuniones de la iglesia se han convertido en reuniones sin sentido, lejos de los mandamientos de Jesus, solo mueve sus pies, sin poder dar una defensa.
Estos textos son los doble golpes que el Cristianismo institutional da. Cada vez que alguien tiene una oposición sobre la iglesia institucional, estos son los versículos que les dan para forzarlos a que se sienten en una banca de la iglesia los Domingos. O que santidad.
Pero en los dos textos, lo que no se apunta normalmente es, ¿quien es el autor?
En los textos de los Hebreos el dice, “nuestra propia asamblea” ¿Quien es el que dice “nuestra” relatado por el autor de Hebreos? Bueno, con certeza no es la iglesia en tiempo de la apostasía. Es una iglesia certificada por los mismos apóstoles como fiel y verdadera. Pero que pasa si el tiempo marca otro tiempo, un tiempo de apostasía general. Es común escuchar expositores relatar sobre “la apostasía de el evangelicalismo” - Ciertamente es fácil de afirmar para las iglesias institucionales con tal que no incluya su congregación, denominación, o red de plantar iglesias.
Y que pasa con el otro texto, el texto de Juan en 1 Juan 2:18-19. Este texto es más aterrador porque afirma que las personas del anticristo están abandonando la iglesia y así es que se sabe que ellos son anticristo. Pero ¿es eso realmente la interpretación correcta (que cualquiera que abandone la institución es anticristo)?
De nuevo la misma pregunta es necesaria preguntar, ¿quien es el autor que esta hablando? Es Juan el apóstol, uno de los 11 hombres que Jesus positivamente mando a atar y desatar para la iglesia. Pero Juan esta hablando en el primer siglo, no en el siglo 1300s cuando John Wycliffe estaba vivo. En 1300, algunas de las mismas iglesias institucionales que John hubiera llamado como iglesia verdadera, para entonces ya eran anticristo. Uno no podia pararse en una de ESAS iglesias y llorar que aquellos que dejaron el esquema Ponzi religioso de Roma eran anticristo, era lo opuesto!
Entonces la mejor forma de interpretar lo que John estaba diciendo es que nosotros (la iglesia verdadera) hemos tenido hombres dejarnos por falsas doctrinas [anticristo]. Pero esto puede ser mas que dejar el edificio de la iglesia y nunca volver! Puede ser que es el edificio de la iglesia que esta dejando “la fe que ha sido una vez dada” (Judas 3) y los fieles teniendo que dejar las cuatro paredes de la “iglesia” para permanecer verdadera!
Para aquellos que no aman la verdad, a quienes la fe es simplemente religion externa, ninguno de estos mensajes van a aceptar. Ellos NUNCA dejaran el sistema religioso que cada día es mas como el esquema Ponzi de Roma. Pero para aquellos de nosotros que amamos la verdad, mientras las cuatro paredes continuan a en oscurecer, pastores caen regularmente, abuso prospera, la doctrina esta pervertida; quizás muchos de nosotros nos vamos a encontrar a si mismo entrando a la congregación de Sión arriba en los Domingos (Hebreos 12), pero solos, solo con nuestra fe.
Spot on; I couldn't agree more. Here is a response I wrote many years ago addressing the same issue. God bless! https://inductivebible.org/?page_id=483
So what do you do when you have searched and found every church wanting. I am currently in a Vineyard based church. We have a home group at our home on Wednesday. The pastor and his wife attend and seem to long for the fellowship and sometimes the word i share. He has admitted to changing his preaching and views on judgement , negative parts of scripture that i often share. Now if you know the vineyard they are big on "kingdom" , which is scriptural. However I can tell his core belief is taking over the world by just inviting everyone he meets to his church and planting small churches in various places. This is hard to say, but his preaching and teaching is all over the place, hard to understand and what i see are obvious errors in his interpretation of scripture. Like he obviously believes the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70 fulfills most end time prophecies , that the abomination of desolation was fulfilled when Jesus was crucified , or seems to imply if there is another antichrist we will rise up and fight him. I of course dont believe that. Again kind of love everyone that will come to his church but almost hate the left , who are to blame for the kingdom not spreading , even blaming the Jews for controlling the entertainment industry. So my dilemma is if i branch out to my own bible study , control the teaching more (he also seems to like to debate ) , Am I in rebellion ? I do not want to forsake the assembly. But i do believe the majority of the church is apostate as described in 5 of the churches in Revelations. ??????