About The Apocalypse Times

APOC’ALYPSE, noun. apoc’alyps. [Greek. From “to disclose, and to cover”]

Revelation: discovery, disclosure. The name of a book of the New Testament, containing many discoveries or predictions respecting the future state of Christianity, written bySt. John, in Patmos, near the close of the first Century.

Webster’s Dictionary of English [1828 edition]

Apocalypse isn’t strictly a term that means “end times” or as a popular song said, “the end of the world as we know it.”

Apocalypse in the Greek means something that is revealed, hence the most common title of the last book of the Bible “Revelation.” It is something God revealed to John which he shared. It’s something historical, something prophetic, something for every age, and something especially for the last.

My name is Nathan, I am a pastor of a church that has mostly “left behind” many of the structures of church that have become popular in the last 20 centuries of Christendom.

I preach on YouTube on the Jesus People SF channel, but found that I needed to speak with written proclamation as well, since it is a less ephemeral medium and promotes deep thought.

My church plant has been aimed at the Haight-Ashbury Neighborhood in San Francisco, and Sub-stack is pretty current as a trend in the city, so I’m giving it a shot here.

Some of my particular focus, is the fulfillment of prophecy, some of which I have seen with my eyeballs, and lived through with great pains. I try to keep what I say tethered to the text of Scripture, so even if I am opining, you will find a text that I am leaning on in the process.

As Augustine was commanded by a young girl, leading to his conversion, take and read.

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News about the end, the church, the world, and the Word.


Pastor of Jesus People SF, a mostly online church ministry. Editor in Chief at Apocalypse Press, a publishing ministry mainly focused at republishing old Christian Books.